Meticulously Obscure

Author: Steve

Jurassic World

Jurassic World is not as silly as the trailer made it look but it’s still pretty silly. They sneakily went…

John Wick

“John Wick is a hyper-stylised bullet opera where there’s very little substance but it’s awesome, probably go see it I…

Fast & Furious 7

Fast & Furious 7 marks quite a derparture for the series, insofar as it’s actually a biopic about a pervy…


’71, on the other hand, is flippin’ harrowing. Imogen Poots isn’t in it so it only gets 1.9 out of…

Need For Speed

Need For Speed is the worst film I’m seen since Horrible Bosses 2, and it loses even more points for…

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 is real good. Like, real real good. I give it 6 badaladaladaladalaas out of 6 badaladaladaladalaas.

Ex Machina

Ex Machina is really great and it’s pure coincidence that I think this and that there’s a female computer in…


Foxcatcher; or, A Sexually Repressed Old Man Has A Bit Of A Fiddle With My Name Jeff And Only The…

The Unexpected Virtue Of Iñárritu

Or: A Post About Birdman With A Rather Pretentious Title Birdman, though not a film about a man who becomes…

A Clockwork Orange

If you’re after a period of time to have existed in that was really long, drawn out, and annoying, at…

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