Meticulously Obscure

Stuff I Found

Coolest Biker Accessory Ever

Guaranteed to cause pile-ups as people rubberneck to watch him drive by or your money back!

The Watchmen Trailers

Have started showing on TV and I haven’t even finished reading the original yet. FUUUUUCK! (I haven’t watched the above,…

He Herd U Liek Him

Notice anything odd about that image? Apart from that it’s of a weird blue thing with some hard to make…

Are You Cool Enough For… A LEGO BOW TIE?!

As seen at Hypebeast

WordPress 2.7

So WordPress 2.7 has been out and about for a week or so now, and I’m quite frankly literally mildly…

2009 BMW Z4

Ok so my bro just hit me up with news of next year’s new Z4 model and, crikey, it’s more…

Spider For Sale – $233.95

By now this is officially classed as old news, what with having happened almost 2 months ago, so on the…


Do you see? Origami… Amazing… Origamazing! Whatever. This guy has some pretty profound origami ‘mad skillz’. It’s worth watching through…

Some Impressive-Ass Shit Right Here

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Oh Dear…

Coming to a Daily Mail near you soon… Pretty terrible. Plus, according to some minimal research, only actually worth about…

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