Meticulously Obscure

General Awesomes

I’ll Kill Your Fucking Dog For Fun So Don’t Push Me

I know this is a year old, but so what. Also, all the versions on youtube with the actual video…

The Most Useless Machine Ever Made

From SaskView

What’s Wrong With Blasphemy?

Stewart Lee knows, and if you watch the 6 clips below, you can find out too. They’re worth watching through,…

Jeremy Clarkson talks about Peter Mandelson

So The Times published an article written by one Sir Mr Jeremy Clarkson Esq. concerning the corrupt madness surrounding Peter…

Digitiser: A Lewd Old Tribute

So, apparently, The Teletext is being turned off for good sometime in the very very near future, and it’s been…

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Greatest Human Ever

This is obviously just a universal constant, a straight up fact that can’t be argued (you only need watch such…

Zombies Ahead! Highly Illegal! Do Not Copy!

For entirely educational and informational purposes I direct you hither.

Microsoft Have Done A Wonderful Thing*

They have made available, via some new fangled thing called Project Tuva, a series of lectures given by Richard Feynman…

Science Is Interesting, And If You Don’t Agree…

You = Insignificant

No, that’s not an insult, it’s a literal truth, if we’re talking about The Grand Scheme Of Things. The below…

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