Mordeth13 is The World’s First Motorbiker Vlogger, and he’s been doing it for ages, and Steve really badly wants to be him. That or have his babies, I don’t think he’s too fussed. Either way, this is the venerable Mr Deth13 doing a hilarious video about bikers waving to each other, which saves its true amusement until nearly 4 and a half minutes in.

Bikers waving at each other is a curious practice which never ceases to amuse me, as Steve will attest with me laughing every time he does it whilst I’m riding pillion. As a sidenote, according to one needs to be female to be a passenger on a bike;

pil-lion [pil-yuhn]
a pad or cushion attached behind a saddle, esp. as a seat for a woman

Anyway, where was I. Ah yes, bikers waving to each other are all freaks 🙂

I post this as Mr Deth13 was stopping over with Steve lately, and I got to meet him, and witness The Rave Biker first hand. He’s this: a decent chap!