Meticulously Obscure

Serious Business

A Proof Of Creation

I have had a stunning revelation this morning and am now a believer: Biting your own tongue while trying to…

The Case (Waste) For (Of) A (An) Creator (Hour)

The other day, someone said to me (and I honestly can’t quite remember who or where, but I seem to…

Ireland: Losing Yet More Marbles

A while ago Ireland made offending religious beliefs a crime. Now, a court over there has awarded a six year…

Converting To Christianity

Of all the places I thought I might find evidence compelling enough to convert me, I didn’t think it would…

Twitter Can Get You Arrested? Fuck That Noise

A man was arrested under the Terrorism Act and issued with a life ban from Doncaster’s airport after joking on…

Hey! Christians! Leave them kids alone!

Irrelevant bygone bastion of closed-mindedness and unquestioning-loyalty-to-cosmic-Jewish-zombies-with-misplaced-sense-of-justice-and-who-have-fuck-all-understanding-of-the-meaning-of-the-word-‘sacrifice’ “The Church of England” has decided to try and combat its irrelevance and……

How To Block Adverts In MSN/Live Messenger

Ever since the ads at the footer of msn messenger’s main window started doing the shit “become really massive annoying…

Scotland’s Turn For A Dab Of Insanity

Seems that guy Jesus is really trying hard to convince everyone he’s the guy to follow, as he’s now decided…

Brighton: UK’s Most Awesome City

I’m mosying back from lunch and a thing gets noticed by my eyes: So I’m thinking, hey, cool, we’re the…

Ireland Has Lost Its Fucking Marbles

As discovered by reading a tweet from Stephen Fry a few minutes ago, Ireland has made offending religious belief a…

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